Amazing Video on Technology Integration in the Classroom

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Amazing Video on Technology Integration in the Classroom

Amazing Video on Technology Integration in the Classroom

Integrating technology in the classroom is the best way to strength the engagement of the students by connecting them to the audience across the globe. See what education technology experts have to say about it. Thanks to this video by Edutopia.

Salman Khan founder of Khan Academy says, “People have been integrating technology in the classroom forever. What I think is really exciting about what we are seeing now is that technology is being used to fundamentally transform what you can do with the classroom.”

Adam Bellow Outstanding Young Educator of the Year ISTE 2011 says, “I think to define technology integration; it’s really using whatever resources you have to the best of your ability. Technology is a tool. It’s what you do with that tool, what you can make, what you allow the students to make. That’s really what technology is all about.”

He further says, “If you can do a lesson without technology, that’s great but knowing that you can do it better with technology, that’s why you use tools.
Students globally are creating using technology and teachers must meet them where they are. During the process they learn how to work in groups, collaborate work in team and develop 21st century skills.”

What he emphasizes on is the fact that “People always say that the kids respond better when they’re able to share their work, of course because they have valid audience and it does not go onto the pile on teachers’ desk. Well that is true, kids today can create and share their work with the world, they have the authentic audience who will not only read it but also care about it.”

Integrating technology with face-to-face teacher time generally produces better academic outcomes than employing either technique alone.

Adam Bellow further added , “With the integration of technology in the classroom, the role of teacher has also shifted. I am seeing a world where the person who’s in the role of teacher is really a facilitator. And if you can facilitate your students to create great work, and work alongside with them to do that, that’s amazing to me.”



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