5 Great Videos for Clarity on Blended Learning and its Power

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5 Great Videos for Clarity on Blended Learning and its Power

Blended learning can be simply defined as a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home.

It is a mix of different learning methods brought together to meet your learning objectives. Blended learning is not one size fits all, learner’s needs and circumstances are different. These are key reasons to introduce blended learning.

  • More efficient long term results.
  • Students are more involved using a diversity of content types.
  • Diverse learner, diverse learning style.
  • Teacher has the capability to evaluate learner tendencies and turn accordingly.
  • Improved Feedback.
  • Blended Learning can make learning fun.

Here we are presenting five great videos for anyone to get more clarity on blended learning and its power.

Blended learning and the future of education: Monique Markoff at TEDxIthacaCollege

In this TEDxIthacaCollege talk, Monique Markoff sharpens the idea of blended learning with good examples. You can learn some great vision on possible successes and drawbacks of applying a true blended model.

Blended Learning: The Proof and the Promise

We are in the midst of disruptive innovation that can radically improve the learning experience for the students and increase access to quality education globally.

This distinguished panel of Salman Khan, Sandy Speicher, Stacey Brewer and Debra Dunn will discuss Can the use of technology radically improve educational quality and access globally?

The video is a presentation made by a student of The University of Auckland on impact factor for blended learning outcomes in higher education. The presentation contains a mixed method research based on students’ perceptions.

Blended Learning: Making it Work in Your Classroom

Blended learning provides educators the flexibility to describe and apply online teaching to meets student’s requirements.

Julie Henderson, Coordinator of technology, Media and International Relations, P.K Yonge Development Research School says, “We define blended learning as the combination of digital content and activity with face-to-face content and activity.”

“It sounds easy to Blend, but it looks really difficult in every classroom. So if a teacher is using something that works really well in a face-to-face situation, they should continue to do that because it works well.”

If they can find something else that works better, is more efficient, or more effective then that would be implemented.”

Kristin Weller a geometry teacher says, “I can say that the things I’ve been doing the last two years have really made a difference, because my kids have scored the highest in the State’s standardized test.”

7 Excellent Free Blended Learning Resources — the Whys and Hows of Mixed Mode Instruction

The video presents a set of seven excellent free resources for blended learning.

Share with us the best resources on blended learning that you may know of.

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